Temperature & Humidity Measurement + Data LoggersWith data logging for real time visibility and monitoring, giving actionable data at the time a parameter threshold is breached, allows for corrective action to be taken and the integrity of goods to be maintained. Product SelectionAnalogue (Glass) ThermometersGeneral purpose liquid-in-glass thermometers feature black writing on clear tubes for easy reading, with some models having white backing for even easier reading. Easily gauge temperature in any setting at a glance with these clear glass thermometers. Most models use environmentally friendly organic liquids. These glass thermometers are suitable for general lab use, schools and testing. Thermometers are functional for a wide range of temperatures from well below freezing to far above boiling. Additional InformationProduct overviewTemperature Indicators, Strips or TubesTemperature indicating strips indicate the temperature of a specimen within minutes after an initial collection. Indicator consists of a highly sensitive indicating liquid inside a specially designed ampoule to monitor exposure of temperature-sensitive products to freezing or heating temperatures. These products are designed for rapid measurements where conventional thermometers are impractical. Strips designed to withstand high temperatures are ideal for use in electronics, food and pharmaceutical industries, also in the oven and engine of construction businesses. Additional InformationProduct LinksDigital Meters for Temperature and/or HumidityPrecisely monitor temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators and refrigerators with these digital thermometers. Digital displays are simple to read and also deliver the highest and lowest temperature readings. Waterproof models are ideal for wet labs, wash-down areas and field applications. Temperatures may be switched to °C or °F, and all models are incredibly versatile and easy to recalibrate. Units boast extreme temperature ranges and update readings in set short intervals. With our selector you can find the meter you need, choose the amount of measuring channels you require, whether you want to measure in air, solids or surfaces with infrared thermometers, with a choice of different accuracies and sensor types. Additional InformationProduct LinksData Logging for Temperature, Humidity, CO2 and MoreData loggers automatically record precise measurements in real time even when personnel cannot be present. Portable designs feature internally or externally located sensors that have exceptional sensitivity to record and store data in any application or environment needed. These electronic instruments have programmable tracking in single- or multi-channel options. Enabling reading over long periods, these data loggers alert if conditions are abnormal for safety and optimum testing quality through visual or auditory alarms. Battery powered loggers have data acquisition systems to measure and acquire data sample rates. Also discover wireless data loggers to have complete and real time control. Additional InformationCalibration ServicesAccredited calibration for all your thermometers and data loggers. Brand independent ISO 17025 accredited calibration services for temperature devices like thermometers, data loggers, blocks and baths. Additional informationCalibration services |