TLC Plates
Our NHâ‚‚, CN- and DIOL-modified silica sorbents are less polar then conventional silica phases, making them ideal for separating hydrophilic or charged substances. Our moderately polar cyano- and diol-modified silica plates can be used for both normal phase and reversed phase systems. An alternative to PEI cellulose, amino-modified NHâ‚‚ plates provide weak basic ion exchange characteristics with special selectivity for charged compounds.
CN- and DIOL-modified silica plates are moderately polar that are suitable for both normal and reversed phase systems. The amino modified NHâ‚‚ plate provides weak basic ion exchange characteristics with special selectivity for charged compounds offering an alternative to PEI cellulose.
Baker-flex® pre-coated flexible polyester sheets have a hard, abrasion resistant coating and solvent resistant substrate for rapid, clean separations. The sheets can be written on and cut to size.
VWR Collection
These TLC glass plates have an excellent separation efficiency due to an optimised particle size distribution.
Ready-to-use in thin layer chromatography applications, Baker-flex® precoated flexible plastic sheet have a hard, abrasion-resistant coating and solvent-resistant substrate for rapid, clean separations.
VWR Collection
Modified silica layers are, depending on the modification, suitable for polar to unpolar eluents or eluent mixtures.
Coupling TLC plates to mass spectrometry is a new field of high interest, which will contribute strongly to the progress of planar chromatography. The MS-grade plates are much cleaner than standard TLC/HPTLC plates providing higher sensitivity and reduced background signals. This allows trace analysis with mass spectrometry detection in lower nanogram range.
The LuxPlate® range of high fluorescence TLC plates contains an increased amount of fluorescent dye making it easier to identify small amounts of isolated material. Furthermore, the amount of binder added is elevated, resulting in a significantly brighter TLC plate with an even more stable and robust surface.
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These HPTLC glass plates have an excellent separation efficiency due to an optimised particle size distribution.
HPTLC plates, unmodified silica gel 60
This range of plates uses an optimised Merck silica gel 60 with a particle size of only 5 to 6 µm, which results in higher packing density and a smoother surface, therefore, reducing band diffusion. Less sample is required, 0,1 to 0,5 µl than for classic TLC.
RP-2, RP-8 and RP-18 are based on silica gel 60 modified with aliphatic hydrocarbons. The chain length, in combination with the degree of modification, defines the ability to tolerate water in the solvent system and strongly affects retention. Migration time increases in the order RP-2, RP-8 and RP-18 using the same solvent composition. RP-8 and RP-18 can be run with up to 60% water in the solvent system.
VWR Collection
These TLC aluminium plates are suitable for easy and quick sample applications. They are flexible and can be cut to match different plate size requirements.
Thin-layer chromatography plates (TLC), J.T.Baker®, Coating material: Silica gel
Merck TLC aluminium oxide plates use neutral or basic aluminium oxide of 60 or 150Â Ã… pore size with or without fluorescent indicator to suit different application needs. Under aqueous conditions, basic compounds can be best separated on basic aluminium oxide plates, while neutral compounds are best separated on neutral plates.
Kieselguhr is a natural diatomaceous earth that can be used for the separation of polar or moderately polar compounds. For the mixed layer plates a combination of classical silica gel 60 and kieselguhr is used, providing favorable properties for certain applications such as separations of inorganic ions, herbicides or steroids.
TLC plates, unmodified silica gel 60
This range of plates uses Merck silica gel 60 with a unique polymeric binder that results in a uniform, hard surface that will not easily crack or blister. The smooth, extremely dense plate coating ensures narrow bands and maximum separation efficiency with the lowest background noise. Layer thickness 200 μm and, particle size of 10 to 12 µm. Flexible aluminium plates that can easily be cut to match individual separation requirements. Two inorganic fluorescent indicators for UV detection of colourless substances. Samples which absorb shortwave UV at 254 nm are detected due to fluorescence quenching.
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